Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Anoxic Hypoxic Encephalopathy due to Co Mono Oxide Posioning.


T1W – Sagittal & axial scans
T2W – Axial & coronal scans
FLAIR – Axial scans 


-Evidence of Globi palledi hyper intensities is shown on T2, Flair and diffusion weighted images in addition to faint hyper intensities noted in both insulae and centrum semi ovale. 
-After contrast injection; no definite abnormal enhancement could be noted.
-No hyper intense signal could be seen in both Globi palledi on T1; suggestive of absence of hemorrhage.

-The rest of the brain Parenchyma shows normal grey white matter differentiation and signal intensities.  No focal mass lesion is seen.
-Lateral and third ventricles are normal in size and position. Septum is in midline.  There is no midline shift.
-Basal cisterns, cortical sulci and gyri are normal in appearance.
-Corpus callosum shows normal MR morphology.
-Brain stem and cerebellum show normal signal intensities.  
-Fourth ventricle is normal in size and is midline in position.


Picture is suggestive of Co monoxide poisoning resulting in anoxic ischemic encephalopathy.
Presence of bilateral symmetrical affection of Globi palledi on diffusion weighted images suggests Chronic stage of Co monoxide poisoning.
Other causes of the previously described MR picture are Japanese encephalitis or Wilson disease.
For clinical correlation.

Report Status : Validated / Validated By :  Dr.Mohammed Mohyeldin 

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