Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Early pancreatitis (CT).

Clinical impression: ?? Pancreatitis. 

MDCT of the abdomen and pelvis was performed before and after intravenous contrast administration. The bowel was labeled with oral contrast.

  • The pancreas is average in size, show homogeneous density and enhancement, with no sizable areas of necrosis. It is surrounded by fat stranding. 
  • The GB wall is edematous , shows thin enhancement with echogenic focus.
  • The liver is normal is size. It shows normal texture. No evidence of any focal or diffuse lesion is seen in the liver.
  • Portal vein is normal.
  • The spleen,and adrenals are normal.
  • The kidneys are normal in size. No evidence of any focal mass lesions. No evidence of dilatation of collecting systems. No evidence of calculi.
  • The urinary bladder is well distended and shows no obvious mass lesion in it. 
  • The bowel loops are normal in caliber, location and show normal wall thickness.
  • The uterus & adnexae are unremarkable.
  • No evidence of ascitis is seen.
  • No evidence of mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy is seen.


  • Picture of early pancreatitis as described, for clinical and lab correlation. 
  • Calcular GB. 

Reported By : DR MOHAMED MOHIE ELDIN                                         DR.MOHAMED SOBHY
 CONSULTANT RADIOLOGY                                                   Radiologist
Report Status : Partially validated / Validated By :  Dr.Mohammed Mohyeldin 

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