Saturday, February 7, 2015

Left Oroantral Fistula (CT).

Plain high resolution MDCT scans were obtained for the para nasal sinuses. Coronal reconstructions were obtained.

- Bony defect seen at floor of left maxillary bony wall 
- Left Mucopolypoidal thickening of maxillary sinus.
- Suspected surgical defect in medial wall of right maxillary antrum.
- Rest of bony walls is intact.

Osteo Meatal Units:
- These are clear on both sides and appear normal in morphology.
- The ostia of the OMUs are patent.
- The ethmoid bullae are normal.
- The uncinate processes are normal.
- Haller cells are not seen.

Nasal Cavities:
The nasal cavities are clear.
The nasal tubinates are normal in morphology.

Nasal Septum:
It is in midline and shows no evidence of deviation.
No evidence of septal spur is seen.

Cribriform Plate and Laminae Papyraceae:
These are intact.

Hard Palate:
It is horizontal and symmetrical.


Left oro-antral fistula ,Left maxillary sinusitis.

Report Status : Validated / Validated By :  Dr.Mohammed Mohyeldin 

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