Saturday, January 17, 2015

Temporo-mandibular Joint Dysfunction.

PROTOCOL:  T1W Sagittal oblique scans in closed and open mouth positions.
  PDW fat sat Sagittal oblique scans in closed and open mouth positions.
  T1W coronal scans in closed mouth positions.


-In the right open mouth view; the disc is displaced anteriorly while in the right closed mouth view it regains its normal site between mandibular condyle and glenoid fossa. 
-The right articular disc has abnormal morphology with a thickened appearance of the central portion of the disc (seen in the right open mouth view). 

-Left temporomandibular joint shows normal morphology and alignment.
-The mandibular condyle and the articular eminence show normal outline on both sides.  The mandibular condyle shows normal range of movement on open and close mouth studies.
-There is no evidence of joint effusion on either side.
-The visualized soft tissues show normal signal intensity.

IMPRESSION:  Right temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction.


For more details click here.

Report Status : Validated / Validated By :  Dr.Mohammed Mohyeldin 

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