Monday, January 19, 2015

Rupture esophagus (CT).

Great thank for Dr.Waled Zakaria

Clinical data: Suspected esophageal perforation.

Non contrast MDCT of the entire neck was performed.

  • The hallmark of this examination is the presence of marked soft tissue swelling of the hypopharynx beginning just inferior to the glottis down to the level of the upper oesophagus at the level of D1 extending of about 7 cm in length with hyperdensities inside the oesophageal lumen suggestive of hematoma formation.
  • Evidence of marked oedematous wall of the oesophagus.
  • Surgical emphysema of the neck and pnumomediastinum are noted suggestive of ruptured oesophagus.
  • The pharynx is normal in caliber and wall thickness.
  • The vascular structures in neck are normal in course, callibre on non contrast C.T basis.
  • The laryngeal structures including epiglottis, and ary-epiglottic folds, valleculae and pyriform sinuses are normal. 
  • No obvious cervical lymphadenopathy is seen.
  • Thyroid and cricoid cartilages are normal.
  • Scanned upper lung fields showed a solitary left upper lobe nodule measuring 1.6 cm.


Marked soft tissue swelling of the hypopharynx beginning just inferior to the glottis down to the level of the upper oesophagus at C7 at the thoracic inlet with hematoma formation.

Surgical emphysema of the neck and pnumomediastinum suggestive of ruptured oesophagus. 

Solitary left upper lobe nodule. 

Report Status : Validated / Validated By :   Dr.WALEED ZAKARIA 

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