Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Molar Pregnancy (MR).

Axial and Coronal T1W and T2W scans.
Axial T1W fat suppressed scans.
Pre & post contrast T1W FS scans


-The uterus is enlarged with diameters 92 x 82 x 57 mm and heterogeneous intensity with multiple cystic areas.
-Absent fetal parts.
-Uterine zonal anatomy is distorted with a hypo echoic irregular myometrial boundary seen.
T1 images: No areas of hyper intensity could be noted suggesting no internal hemorrhage.
T2& Stir images: there is heterogeneous high signal from the cystic spaces.
T1 C+ images: often demonstrates enhancement due to hyper vascularity.
-Small right ovarian cyst (1.5 cm).

-The urinary bladder is well distended. It shows normal wall thickness and signal intensity. The paravesical fat shows normal signal intensity.
-There is no free fluid.


Picture is suggestive of molar pregnancy for ultrasound and serum beta HCG level correlation (should be markedly elevated, out of proportion to the pregnancy).

Report Status : Validated / Validated By :  Dr.Mohammed Mohyeldin

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