Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Generalized Body Water Retension with Cardiomegaly (CT).

MDCT of the abdomen and pelvis was performed before and after intravenous contrast administration. The bowel was labeled with oral contrast.

-Evidence of cardiomegaly with dominant right sided heart enlargement accompanied with peri cardial effusion, bilateral pleural effusion, tense ascites, hepatomegaly in addition to sub cutaneous edema.
-Peri cardial edema needs urgent evaluation.
-The liver is normal is size. It shows normal texture. No evidence of any focal or diffuse lesion is seen in the liver.
-tiny hepatic lesion is noted in the upper edge of the left hepatic lobe for further evaluation.
-The gall bladder and biliary tree are normal.
-Portal vein is normal.
-The spleen, pancreas and adrenals are normal.
-The kidneys are normal in size. No evidence of any focal mass lesions. No evidence of dilatation of collecting systems. No evidence of calculi (two tiny gravels are noted in the right kidney).
-The urinary bladder is well distended and shows no obvious mass lesion in it.
-The bowel loops are normal in caliber, location and show normal wall thickness.
-The uterus & adnexae are unremarkable.
-Evidence of tense ascitis is seen.
No evidence of mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy is seen.


Evidence of generalized body water retension with cardiomegaly.
Urgent evaluation of the peri cardial effusion is mandatory.

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