Monday, December 29, 2014

Hydronephrosis (CT).

Plain MDCT has been performed for kidneys, ureters and bladder.

  • Right Kidney is normal in size, shape and position. It shows normal outline and attenuation on plain scans. Two right renal stones 3 and 5mm . The perinephric fat shows normal attenuation.
  • Moderate hydronephrosis is seen.

  • Left Kidney is normal in size, shape and position. It shows normal outline and attenuation on plain scans. No radiodense calculus is seen. The perinephric fat shows normal attenuation. No hydronephrosis.

  • The left  ureters is normal in course and seen ectatic . No evidence of any radiodense calculus is seen in the ureter
  • A stone measuring about 0.9 cm is seen at the right upper ureteric 1/3 with proximal ureteric dilatation .

  • The urinary bladder is well distended and shows normal outline and smooth walls. 
  • No obvious calculus or filling defect is seen in the bladder.


  • Right upper ureteric stone is seen causing moderate backpressure changes.
  • Right renal stones.

Report Status : Validated / Validated By :  Dr.Mohammed Mohyeldin 

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