Saturday, December 20, 2014

Non cystic stage of peri ventricular leukomalacia (MR).

T2W  - Axial scans
T1W - Axial & Sagittal  scans
FLAIR - coronal scans
3D SPGR – Axial scans



-Minimal blood traces in both lateral ventricles.
-Diffuse peri ventricular abnormal signals on Diffusion images.
-No parenchymal cystic changes.

Brain parenchyma pattern is normal for patient age with myelination still in progression.
No obvious focal lesion is seen.
Third and lateral ventricles are normal in size and position.
Septum is in midline.
Brain stem and cerebellum are normal in appearance and signal intensities.
Fourth ventricle is normal in position and size.


Presence of diffuse peri ventricular changes may suggest non cystic stage of peri ventricular leukomalacia for follow up study.
If follow up study revealed cystic formation; this will confirm PVL diagnosis.
Traces of blood in both lateral ventricles.

click here for more details.

For classification click here

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