Sunday, December 21, 2014

Meningioma (MR).


T1W – Sagittal & axial scans
T2W – Axial & coronal scans
FLAIR – Axial scans


-Evidence of a left para falcine extra axial lesion of altered signal intensity is noted with surrounded mild peri focal edema resulting in mild shift of the mid line structures. It measures about 41 x 42 x 35 mm in diameters with evident dural base situation and dural tail. It shows hypo intense signal on T1 if compared to the white matter intensity and hyper intense signal on T2 and Flair images.
-Mild flattening of the frontal horn of the left lateral ventricle is noted.
-After contrast injection; it casts homogeneous enhancement.
-Notes of bilateral maxillary sinusitis are observed.

-The rest of the brain Parenchyma shows normal grey white matter differentiation and signal intensities.  No focal mass lesion is seen.
-Right lateral and third ventricles are normal in size and position. Septum is in midline.
-Basal cisterns, cortical sulci and gyri are normal in appearance.
-Sella is normal in appearance.
-Corpus callosum shows normal MR morphology.
-Brain stem and cerebellum show normal signal intensities.
-Fourth ventricle is normal in size and is midline in position.


Picture is suggestive of left convexity meningioma.
Bilateral maxillary sinusitis.

for more information click this link

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