Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hemorrhagic Brain.

T2W – Sagittal & axial scans
T1W – Axial scans
FLAIR – Coronal scans
DW & T2FFE (Gradient) – Axial scans
3D TOF MR angiography of the circle of Willis vessels and MIP reconstruction.
MR venography protocol


Right parieto-temporal region sub acute intra parenchymal hematoma with mild surrounding peri focal edema and mild effacement of adjacent sulci.
Mild mid line structure shift (2.7 mm).
Multiple variable sized foci of hypo intensity are noted scattered in both basal ganglia; bilateral juxta cortical and corpus callosum. They are characterized by hypo intensity on all sequences and blooming effect on Gradient images; suggestive of old blood.
Right middle cerebral artery as source of hematoma.
Severely stenosed segment of left internal carotid artery.
Attenuated peripheral branches of right middle cerebral artery if compared to the left one.
Complete non visualization of the left transverse sinus with normal morphology of the rest of the MR venography.

-The rest of the brain Parenchyma shows normal grey white matter differentiation and signal intensities.  No focal mass lesion is seen.
-Lateral and third ventricles are normal in size and position. 
-Basal cisterns, cortical sulci and gyri are normal in appearance.
-Corpus callosum shows normal MR morphology.
-Brain stem and cerebellum show normal signal intensities.
-Fourth ventricle is normal in size and is midline in position.

Right parieto-temporal region sub acute intra parenchyma hematoma for clinical correlation.
Multiple variable sized hemorrhagic foci as mentioned above.

Report Status : Invalidated / Validated By :  Dr.Mohammed Mohyeldin 

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